Thursday, February 13, 2014

Is TWI right for you?

Is TWI Solutions right for you?
Consider asking yourself these questions  
1. Does you company often talk about about a certain standard or standardized work but no one really knows exactly how to define what that means? 
2. Do you notice a decline in productivity every few months? With no real plan for a continous improvements
3. Does your management tend to do most of the diffusing or take the lead role in 'firefighting' and problem solving while other team members maybe sit by neutral to the situation without contributing to a solution.
Does your current training process take months to train even entry level employees? 
Do your team members have good ideas but no real way of testing them or implementing them into your production?
If you answered yes to one or more of any of these questions TWI Solutions has the tools you need to remedy the situation and implement new methods and ways of thinking that will prove to be lasting and cost effective.

What makes TWI different from other training methods?


What makes TWI different from other training methods?
Maybe you're familiar with the term Training Within Industry and you are starting to understand a little about what exactly TWI Solutions does but you still have questions as to what makes TWI better than other industry training programs.

You may know that TWI was developed during WWII with the help of the best from government, private industry, and academia but the ideas that went into  the program are profoundly simple and easy to understand and highly effective. The Training Within Industry program was created with a sense of urgency because of the constraints of WWII with the war being referred to in the TWI report as 'an emergency'.
The developers of TWI came up with four essential requirements to turn the three facets of TWI (existing knowledge, new ideas, and thorough testing) into workable programs.
The four essential requirements were as follows:
1. The programs must be simple
2. The programs must be prepared using a minimum amount of presentation time
3. The programs must be built on the principle of demonstration or "learning by doing"
4. The program should provide a "multiplier effect" so that a group of employees who have been trained can also, in turn, train other employees.
These ideas laid out the basic foundation for the TWI program and resulted in a basic yet condensed training program without the the use of extraneous text or training. Every aspect of the program was developed to train workers effectively and efficiently. 
These methods work for every industry, including yours! Blue collar or white collar, the program will result in improvements anywhere that someone does a job. This means that you can achieve the same cost efficiency and productivity by implementing TWI Solutions. If you're tired of falling behind or maybe just not getting ahead. 
TWI Solutions is here to help you not only fight but to win your business battle.